Saturday, March 27, 2004

35 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

6 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we can move into the new house)

Vitamins. I hate vitamins. Every morning I have to swallow a fistful of those little suckers. I don't care how buffered they are, they always bother my stomach. If I buy the chewables (not Viactiv...they taste good), I end up feeding them to my dogs (not Viactiv...they taste good) because they taste so awful. The liquids taste awful too...even the ones that claim to taste good. Why can't Viactiv make a Glucosamine with Condroitin vitamin? Get busy guys, you'll make a fortune. Instead I'm either supposed to swallow this huge horse pill three times a day or I can chomp on this huge yellow, supposedly lemon flavored disk three times a day. Yuck! My dogs love them. The disks...they won't touch the horse pills. These things are expensive and they're collecting dust on my pantry shelf. I need to go out and buy more of the disks for the dogs though. They've been bopping all over the place. No sore joints for them. The vet said that it was OK. In the meantime, I spend half the day burping up vitamin fumes and avoiding the horse pills because they make me gag, and complaining about my knees because I haven't taken the horse pills. But I do take the rest of the stuff so I suppose I'll live longer, see better, think more clearly and my skin and nails will look nice when I finally do "shuffle off this mortal coil". "Must give us pause..." ( Hamlet. Gotta love that play.)

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

More Wisdom from the Buddha

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

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