Wednesday, March 10, 2004

52 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

23 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we can move into the new house)

My new house has granite countertops. They look great! Woohoo! Our carpet is being installed too and I've got a sample so I can go pick out my window coverings. Also we met with our new neighbor and our walled fence for the back is going to be installed on April 6th. The carpet isn't completely installed yet so I can't say that it looks great. The carpet installer didn't like it but what does he know. He thought it looked too dark. He probably would think my current carpet looks too dark. I bet he runs a carpet cleaning operation on the side for all those people who buy light colored carpets.

HTP and I were supposed to go to my son's concert at his school last night. We are awful parents. Sigh. We did go to the school. Our intentions were good but we discovered when we arrived at the school that there were an amazing amount of people at the school. It turns out that if we'd stayed, we would have had to sit through a concert featuring not only our son but two bands from the middle school, the varsity band and the concert band from the high school and our son would be finishing up the concert with his symphonic bands. Each of the bands, from the program, looked like they planned to play five numbers. My son's band is actually very good but I'm sorry. I just couldn't sit through all that in those horrible auditorium seats. I'm not sure my nerves could have stood the music of the other bands either. We ran in terror. Sorry. It's one thing to sit through a concert in which your own child is a participant. It's a whole other story when it comes to enduring a concert put on by someone who doesn't really know how to play too well yet and you don't even know any of them. I figured that by the time my son's band came on, I'd have worn down my back molars and I would have developed an eye tic. Plus, I would be inviting a migraine for today. I feel guilty but I don't have a migraine.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

You can't spread poison ivy (or poison oak) by touching, or even breaking, the blisters. The belief that poison ivy spreads through the bloodstream is equally false. If poison ivy resin is not washed off, the oil from the plant can last almost indefinitely at full strength. Clothing, shoes, gardening tools, etc. If you were unaware you'd encountered poison ivy (it can take two to four days for the first red spots or blisters to show), the resin could have spread to everything it touched. I've been fortunate so far and have never experienced the discomfort of a poison ivy reaction even though I know that I've come in repeated contact with the stuff. This doesn't mean that I ever plan to make floral arrangements with this plant or roll in it in my birthday suit. Adding it to a green garden salad or using it to fuel a fireplace fire would probably be a bad idea too.

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