Thursday, March 04, 2004

58 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

29 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we can move into the new house)

HTP really shouldn't have assured me that we wouldn't be seeing any rain until June. It's raining again and it's cold. 48°F is cold for Phoenix, AZ. I suspect that we'll see a few cold days to come when we move to Wisconsin but I have a real fireplace there to sit in front of that uses real wood. I guess I won't be doing any dog walking today. Good thing I don't have to hang any clothes out to dry in the sun (HOA prohibits clothes lines of any kind so I can't do that anyway but if the HOA didn't have that rule I would hang stuff in the sun if there was any sun today). I still have to do laundry. STP doesn't have a thing to wear because I was in Vegas during the time I usually do laundry.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Folk Remedies

To cure swollen eyes, put crab eyes on the back of your neck.

A piece of deer hoof worn in a ring will cure epilepsy.

If you touch a sleeping person with a frog tongue, they will reveal their secrets to you. (LEAVE MY TONGUE ALONE !!!!!!)

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