Saturday, March 06, 2004

56 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

27 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we can move into the new house)

After much research, HTP and I finally picked out our new refrigerator and washer and dryer for the new house. For some reason the people who bought our new house decided that they wanted our old appliances. Lucky me, I get all new appliances for the new house and I don't have to worry about moving the old ones. I'm excited about the new appliances that we just bought. They sure have changed things in the four years that it's been since we bought our last appliances.

We stopped by the new house yesterday and my tile has all been installed. We're told that the countertop and the carpet will be installed next week.

The rain has finally cleared out and we're told that we should expect temperatures in the high 80's by the end of the week. What happened to the 70's?

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

In 2003 researchers at Plymouth University in England studied primate intelligence by giving macaque monkeys a computer. They reported that the monkeys attacked the machine, threw feces at it, and, contrary to their hopes, failed to produce a single word. Sometimes I think monkeys are smarter then we think...especially when I have to deal with the hundreds of spam messages filling my email inbox.

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