Friday, April 29, 2005

Day 3 and we'll be heading to Des Moines.

Happy Anniversary to me and HTP! We already celebrated in Las Vegas...Nevada, not New Mexico. But...if we can find a nice restaurant, there's no law against celebrating again.

Snow! There's a nice layer of snowman-making snow outside right now. I like to look at snow but that's about it. It's cold. It's wet. It sticks to your shoes. The dogs blamed me for it. Someone has to go outside and brush off the car before we head out. It's not going to be me. It may look pretty but that's as much as I'll admit.

As usual, if I blog some more tonight, I'll blog. If I don't, well...our next stop is The Lake and then everyone will just have to wait until HTP can hook our internet up again. And of course, we have to unpack the car etc.


As promised, I'll try to catch you up on our day. The snow magically disappeared when we crossed the time zone T's on the Triptik. We lost an hour at the same time we lost all visible evidence of snow. OK. We were dodging ice chunks thrown by the semi's half way across the state of Nebraska but that isn't real snow. It's just a by-product.

We ate lunch in Kearney and I wondered if we'd bump into our future son-in-law. I've lost track. I know that he was in Kearney for a while there. To be on the safe side, we waved at him in Kearney and then again when we passed through Omaha.

When we arrived in Des Moines, I found out that #1 son had called us on our cell phone. He left a message but I won't be able to access it until we get up to the lake...after we actually see him tomorrow. I called to make sure that it wasn't an emergency. It wasn't. We'll talk to him tomorrow when we hit Minneapolis.

HTP and I had a hard time finding our hotel in Des Moines. We passed it three times before we HTP walked into the lobby of a Spring Hill-Marriot hotel that seemed to be taking up the exact footprint of the Quality Inn where we had our reservations. Guess what? Quality Inn isn't a Quality Inn anymore at this location. It's a Spring Hill-Marriot. Surprise! We got our room. I'm looking forward to using the jacuzzi in the bathroom later tonight after dinner. Hee-hee! Nice room. A really nice room.

Murphyism of the Day

Lovka's Law of Driving

There is no traffic until you need to make a left turn.

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