Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Thirteen Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Acceptable: Dining area for acceps.

I went out to lunch yesterday with a friend, a former neighbor. I hadn't seen her since last year about this time. It was fun to catch up on things. I hate to lose touch with friends. Thank goodness for the internet and e-mail. While we're in Wisconsin, it helps that I can still keep in touch with my friends who are not in Wisconsin.

I called the plumber this morning. I don't have a leak or anything. It's not about this house. I called the Wisconsin plumber to let him know that we'll be returning to Wisconsin soon. We "winterize" our Wisconsin home when we leave it for the winter. Part of the "winterizing" process is to have the plumber come in and turn off our water so the pipes don't freeze and burst should the heating fail us. I suppose HTP and I could attempt to take care of the water issue ourselves but it's rather complicated when it comes to traps, toilets, water-heaters, our well and pump, dishwasher, washing machine, ice-maker and fridge, outdoor faucets, the list goes on and on. It's not as if you can just flip a switch. I can flip a switch. I can't drain all the water out of our house and do whatever needs to be done to make we can leave our Wisconsin home unattended for five to six months. Of course, just as what goes up, must come down; what is turned off, must be turned on. I called the plumber so he can go on in and reverse the process he went through to turn the water off last fall before we actually unlock our gate, our door and race to the bathroom to use the facilities after our long drive. Thankfully, all I had to do was call him and tell him to turn on the water.

It's one of those sunny days here in Arizona. I went out and sat in the sun while I read a couple chapters of my book. It felt wonderful to soak in the vitamin D that I don't get because I'd rather drink a cup or two or three of coffee in the morning rather then drink milk. Which reminds me...I better go take my calcium chew.

Murphyism of the Day

Cornuelle's Law

Authority tends to assign jobs to those least able to do them.

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