Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Word of the Day

Babbleonian: One who continually talks.

We'll be heading back to Wisconsin at the end of this month. I can't actually start a countdown since we haven't set an actual departure date as yet. It'll get done. I'll start the countdown as soon as itinerary decisions can be hammered out. First I'm doing the ordinary stuff that has to be done on a Tuesday.

I have to go out shopping today. I'm down to one small crust of bread. The milk is aging and almost expired. We noticed that even though milk is supposed to be good for several days beyond the 'Sell By' date, it sours by that date. Yuck. I can only make so many sour milk pancakes. I had to open up a small can of ham to make sandwiches yesterday. Now I have enough ham for a couple of sandwiches but...no bread. HTP said the canned ham tastes like chopped liver. He sneered. I guess I need to buy lunch meat. I've got enough eggs (1 dozen) but since we go through six eggs every morning. I'll have to add that to the list as well. I used up the last of the lettuce last night. We have more chicken in the freezer but I'm really getting tired of chicken breasts. Time to go shopping. Later. After I've got a handle on the laundry.

Murphyism of the Day

Peter's Observation

Super-competence is more objectionable than incompetence.

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