Thursday, April 07, 2005

Nineteen Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Abnormous: Large to an absurd degree.

Workmen! Lots of workmen! Most of our warranty work was done yesterday. No sooner then I'd let one group of workmen in then the doorbell would ring and the next group would be there at the door. As I mentioned before, you have to answer that quick ring or soft knock on your door or these workmen will race back to their trucks and run away. So, I spent the entire day yesterday racing to and fro. None of these workmen actually knew what they were supposed to do. I would have to show them. While I was showing them what to do, the doorbell would ring and I'd have to race off to answer it. Ahhh!!!! I survived. I think. Maybe. The day is still young and I'm waiting for the concrete person.

Yesterday, the plumber was the first to show up. He came to anchor my dishwasher. They needed to send a plumber for this? Fine. Whatever. I didn't have to pay a plumber to screw two screws into my countertop in order to anchor a dishwasher. As I ushered this expensive repairperson out the door, the air-conditioning guy showed up to check my ductwork in the attic. He firmly told me that he doesn't do house inspections. OK. Our customer rep told us that you were going to crawl up into the attic to check our furnace and make sure the ductwork is tight. Were we having any problems? No. He told me again that he didn't do home inspections. I told him that the office was too warm. He crawled up into the attic and checked the duct work. The doorbell rang. The stucco repair person was here. I was forced to show the man every single crack in the exterior stucco that he needed to patch. I did. He patched. The window guy came to replace the springs on our front windows. He had to measure a couple of the windows for new screens. The old ones were bent and bowed. Those have to be special ordered. Stay tuned. The concrete guy showed up and I had to catch him. I don't want a funny colored patch right by my front door. He'll get back to me. And then he ran away. I think that was all that happened yesterday.

Today? The painters. Inside and out. I showed them the cracks around the windows. They patched and painted. They painted the stucco that was patched yesterday. I caught them before they escaped when I discovered a missed spot. Sign here ma'am. The insulation guy came and blew more insulation into our attic. I've got to drag out the vacuum now and clean up the excess on my carpet. OH...I forgot. Yesterday someone came and fixed the sliding doors to our closet. I know I'm forgetting something. I'll have to check the list. I forgot that someone came to fix the weather-stripping on the front door yesterday.Oh well. I suppose I'll have to call and find out what happened to the concrete guy. The Kool-deck people are still supposed to come before the end of the week. I think the garbageman skipped our house today. Trucks might have blocked him. Enough. I'm going to make lunch. And listen for the doorbell.

I organized my music for Sunday. I've got an orchestra practice and I needed to pull my music for the contemporary group. We play on the 17th and I'm missing four songs. The orchestra plays on the 24th. And that's it for clarinet playing this year.

I made reservations for one of the options for our return to Wisconsin. Done. HTP made the reservations for the other option.

Murphyism of the Day

Godin's Law

Generalizedness of incompetence is directly proportional to highestness in hierarchy.

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