Saturday, April 23, 2005

Three Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Aghastitude: Disbelief, shock, and awe.

Where has the time flown? We're back in Arizona. It only took us 6 hours to get from Vegas to here. We stopped to visit with my folks. That doesn't count into the 6 hours. It would have taken us longer, but there wasn't any Dam traffic. However....

There were a lot of motorcyclists. I mean A LOT of motorcycles and the people who ride them. They were easily recognizable even while they were walking far from They all sport the same bandana-style headwear, the same scraggly beards, tattoos, and leather. Lots of leather. There was a huge motorcycle rally in Laughlin this weekend. The Laughlin River Run. Bikers were everywhere. Vegas. The Dam. The road to and fro. The deep-throated roar of their vehicles of choice could be heard even through the closed windows of our Navigator. They traveled in packs of 15-20. Safety in numbers, I guess. It does make driving rather difficult for the rest of us. Please rained and the bikers all got wet. Hah, hah. I know...mean of me.

When we got home, there were several e-mails from our daughter regarding wedding plans. It sounds like both the prospective bride and the prospective groom wish to continue with the original August plan. Neither of them see any time constraints due to military obligations so it looks like I can start "planning". There was a message on the answering machine from said daughter with promises to call tomorrow. I hope I'm home. I have my doubts because I've got two church services followed by a promised shopping trip with my youngest daughter and dinner out with that daughter and her husband...quick, quick, because we're leaving in only a short few days.

Panic is starting to set in. I am filled with aghastitude. Three days and a wake up?!

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Observation on Business

The toughest thing in business is minding your own.

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