Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Fourteen Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Accelurate: To add (a lot, and fast) extra minutes to your cellular plan.

I survived the eye doctor. They didn't dilate my eyes. Woohoo! No puffer machine either. They did that thing where they try to touch your eye with this blue light pokey thingy. It took several attempts and two series of eye drops that numb your eyeballs but they finally touched each of my eyes and told me that the pressure in my eyes was just fine. Blah! The numbing eye drops made me feel like my eyeballs were going to pop! Then they had to rinse my eyes out with some eyewash because the numbing drops are a bright yellow color and you just don't want to go out in public like that. You might frighten someone. The end result of the appointment was that I walked out of the office with a stronger eyeglass prescription and a stronger contact lens prescription. Since they didn't dilate my eyes, I was sent on my way with a sample pair of contacts.

HTP went over to EyeMasters to order my new glasses. HTP looked like he was looped on drugs. The eye doctor dilated his eyes. I checked out the new frames.

Styles have definitely changed since I bought glasses last. When did nerdy glasses become the in thing to wear? Prices have gone up too. There was no way that I was going to spend $200 for the frames for one pair of glasses. Good grief! I wanted to buy two pairs of glasses. One to wear and one in case of emergencies if the other breaks. The cost of plastic lenses have gone up too. I wear progressive bifocals. Of course the price of bifocals are through the roof and when you remove that visible line so you can fool people into thinking you're really not all that old, well, we won't go into how expensive the lenses become. Even with the sale that EyeMasters was running, the cost of my two pairs of glasses was pretty darn staggering. Of course, it's been three years since I bought my last pair of glasses so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Actually, I suppose if I'd bought a pair of glasses every year like some people do, I'd have been prepared. I think you just accept things after a while. The price of gas at the gas stations are a prime example of this. The shock on my daughter's face when she got out of boot camp after only three months was a funny thing to see. "Gas is $2.40/gallon?" I think it was about $1.50/gallon when she left for camp. But that's a bit off subject. Anyway...

I went ahead and picked out two frames. The cheapest that they had in stock...within reason. I do have to wear these things afterall. They may not carry a famous designer name but they look like the designer frames. I don't need to have Ralph Lauren written on the bows of my glasses. I just need to see. I refused to buy the "way out" glasses that reminded me of the glasses I saw my grandmother wear with the pointy wings. That was a bit much for me. I picked out two pair of nerdy glasses. Of course, with bifocals, the lenses have to be special ordered. They never have my lenses in stock. I was told that I'll get a call in two weeks...but...(wink,wink) they told me that I'd probably have my glasses by next week. I told them that we were leaving for Wisconsin in two weeks. They told me that I didn't need to worry. They'd be here. I'll wait on ordering the contact lenses until I get to Wisconsin. The pair I have right now should last until I can order some on the internet.

Murphyism of the Day

Sociology's Iron Law of Oligarchy

In every organized activity, no matter what the sphere, a small number will become the oligarchical leaders and the others will follow.

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