Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sixteen Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Absopause: When, for some odd reason, everyone shuts up and listens when you talk. Rare.

Up at dawn, just because. I didn't have to be at church until 8:30 AM, so I brewed a pot of coffee and spent my available time on such luxuries as eating breakfast and watching the news. I headed out the door at 8 AM. HTP thought that I'd be late. I wish he'd told me about all the road construction. Despite all the closed roads between our house and the church, I still got there on time. We had an orchestra practice. I actually like practices. It gives me a chance to go through the music and hear the music. We've got another practice next Sunday. I also picked up the music for the Contemporary Group. We play for one of the services next Sunday. It's going to be one of those sore lip Sundays. Lots of clarinet playing.

On the way home from church, I stopped at the beauty salon to make an appointment to get my hair cut. HTP called me on the cell phone to tell me that the Kool-deck removal crew was back. Weird. On a Sunday? Who'd a thunk it? I didn't race home. I had grocery shopping to do. I used my last onion last night. Onions are essential for meal-making if you happen to be on a diet. We are. Well...we are until and unless we aren't. We've been dieting to make up for those times when we aren't. Makes sense to me. Anyway, I had to buy more fresh veggies too.

I got home in time to see the Kool-deck grinders. The dust was gone. They were using water to keep the dust from flying in the air. Unfortunately, they blew up their grinder. I don't think the grinder likes water. Not fifteen minutes after I got home, the crew was cleaning and packing up with promises that they would return tomorrow afternoon. HTP and I won't be here tomorrow afternoon. We have eye appointments. I guess we'll just have to leave the gate unlocked...just in case they actually do decide to return.

Murphyism of the Day

Parkinson's Law of Delay

Delay is the deadliest form of denial.

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