Friday, April 15, 2005

Eleven Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Accountess: A royal accountant (f.)

It's Tax Day! No panic here. HTP sent our taxes out already. This year was a bit of an eye-opener. We had to send in taxes for two different states along with our Federal taxes. HTP uses TurboTax so it wasn't too bad...well...the program had a few problems when it came to Wisconsin's forms but that's to be expected. Hey, Wisconsin! Fix your tax forms so that people don't have to be a CPA to fill them out! Good grief! Even Turbotax can't figure out your forms. We had to take out a loan to pay for the postage for this tome we had to return to you.

Wisconsin is supposed to be the Dairy State. I think someone needs to rethink that. I think they should just be honest and let everyone know right off the bat that Wisconsin is the "Wring the last dime out of your wallet, Tax State". It's truly amazing to me what gets taxed out there in Wisconsin...and don't even get me started on property taxes. I don't think they'll be happy until they make Wisconsin a socialist proving ground and welfare state.

We're told that our taxes are actually supporting Milwaukee and Madison. As far as I'm concerned, Milwaukee and Madison need to start fending for themselves. You're bankrupting the rest of the state. I'm getting tired of hearing that my taxes are going to pay for a Milwaukee and Madison when I drive down our rural rutted road.

Pffft! OK. Deep breath. I'm done ranting. I'm listening to the water splashing in my fountain. I sent in my check to support Wisconsin....I mean Milwaukee and Madison because that money sure as heck fire doesn't trickle down much to our neck of The Lake.

I'm going to turn off the TV. I'm going to turn off the radio. I'm going to hide the paper. I'm going to forget that today is Tax Day! I think I'll go out and get my hair done. Going to the beauty parlor can be better then going to a therapist. I just hope no-one mentions the T-word while I'm there.

Murphyism of the Day

Zymurgy's Law of Volunteer Labor

People are always available for work in the past tense.

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