Thursday, April 28, 2005

Day Two...On the Road Again...Kinda.

Albuquerque. A city located in what we affectionately refer to as The Devil's Triangle when it comes to automobile problems. At least I don't think that we'll have to spend another night here. HTP took the car in to have our mystery leak checked. I remained here in our hotel room with the dogs. I'm on my fourth cup of coffee and it isn't even good coffee. Anyway, HTP just called to tell me that the Gator needs a new radiator. So much for leaky hoses or loose fittings. Sigh. Oh well. At least HTP tells me that they have one and are in the process of installing it as I write this. Could be worse. We could have found ourselves in the middle of nowhere with a busted radiator and no way of getting a new one anytime soon. While they're replacing the radiator, they'll replace our hoses so they don't blow out as soon as they're mated with a new radiator. Anyway, HTP assured me that he thinks we'll be back on the road again by noon. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm sure the car will work just fine as soon as we depart...The Devil's Triangle.

Here's where I'll write more after we get to our hotel in Sterling...if that's where we end up tonight and if I'm not too tired to fire up the laptop. If I don't get around to blogging more today, well...I'll blog another day....if we ever escape from The Devil's Triangle.


We actually left Albuquerque at 11 AM. Woohoo! I drove to Las Vegas...New Mexico, not Nevada. HTP drove for a while after that and then me again. We played musical drivers.

It started to get colder and colder as we drove through Colorado. We hit snow flurries shortly after Colorado Springs and it got worse after that. By the time we got through Denver and pulled off to top off our gas tank, the snow was falling so hard that it was hard to see. We had a sheet of ice on our running boards and grill. The windshield wipers were so crusted with ice that they didn't do much good. We had to be very careful to avoid stepping on our running boards. No-one wanted to deal with broken hips.

HTP took over driving and we continued on to Fort Morgan, where we had supper at The Country Steak Out. Very good! The trees in the area were all coated with ice. There were icicles hanging from the eaves of the houses and the fences. It was really pretty. Not to fun to drive in, but pretty.

After supper HTP took the wheel again, and we drove the rest of the way to Sterling, Colorado. Our scheduled stop for the night. We were a bit afraid that they would have given away our room to some other poor travelers but our fears weren't realized. We checked in to our hotel at 9:30 PM. After dragging our stuff inside and walking and feeding our dogs, I decided to take the time to finish the night with this blog. It's 29°F outside. There is standing snow on the ground. It feels darn cold to me.

Speaking of snow...#1 son called yesterday while we were on our way to Albuquerque. He just wanted us to know that it was snowing hard where he was...Minneapolis. Brrrr. It seems to me that there really shouldn't be snow at this time of year. I'm not fond of snow.

Murphyism of the Day

The Freeway Axiom

The driver behind you wants to go five miles per hour faster...even if it is snowing.

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