Saturday, April 09, 2005

Seventeen Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Aborable: Exceptionally cute yet insufferably boring.

Yesterday was a wonderful day for sitting outside with a good book. I can't do too much of this or I'll start looking like a piece of human jerky. It is nice to sit out in the sun though especially on those days when you feel like a cold bug is nipping at your heels. I think I may have picked up a cold bug hitch-hiker sometime during our trip to see our daughter become a Marine. I probably got it from one of those sniffling kids on the airplane on our way to or from. Anyway, the other day it was too warm to sit outside. This morning, it's too cool to sit outside. Yesterday was perfect. Ah Spring! Gotta love it.

I started my "To Do" list and "Packing" lists for our trip to Wisconsin. I haven't started packing as yet. Lists are another matter. Once something is on a list somewhere, I don't have worry about it. I don't have to even think about it again until I actually get around to executing it. One of the things on the "To Do" list is making an appointment to bring the dogs into the vet. Shots. They're going to love that (not) but I need to make sure that their shots are up to date. This is the first year that I'll be applying for a set of Wisconsin dog tags for my little monsters. I also need to get my hair taken care of or I'll truly live up to the Grey part of my title.

Murphyism of the Day

Parkinson's Fourth Law

The number of people in any work group tends to increase regardless of the amount of work to be done.

Parkinson's Fifth Law

If there is a way to delay an important decision, the good bureaucracy, public or private, will find it.

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