Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Twenty Days and a Wake Up Before We Leave For Wisconsin

Word of the Day

Aberzombie: One who wears only Abercrombie & Fitch clothing.

Our first workman showed up for work at 8 AM. One down, countless to go. We've got two days of all this stuff. I hope. And then all the work will be done?

We're still trying to get our Kool-deck removal crew back in here. HTP finally got to talk to the landscaper this morning and he promises that everything will be taken care of by the end of the week. I'm not holding my breath.

HTP and I stopped at AAA yesterday to pick up the new AAA books for our trip back to Wisconsin. I'll order the AAA triptiks on the net and pray they get here in time. If not? I have old triptiks. It's not like I haven't driven these roads before. I'm going to start scheduling stuff today. One way or another, we plan to leave Arizona on April 27th. We've got two options. We'll either head up to Las Vegas for a few days and then continue on from there. Or. We'll head out for Wisconsin from here. I'll make reservations for both options and cancel reservations for the option that we don't use as soon as the final option is chosen. One of the main drawbacks of roadtrips and reservations is that not many places let you stay with dogs these days. If they do? Most of them charge a fee and make you stay in the stinky smoking rooms.

Murphyism of the Day

Peter's Law of Evolution

Competence always contains the seed of incompetence.

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