Sunday, July 03, 2005

Word of the Day

Clausteraphobic: A morbid fear of Santa Claus.

I bet you thought I'd forget to blog today. Hah! I didn't. Actually, I'm so tired right now that I don't really feel like blogging but I'm afraid if I skip a day I'll end up out of the habit.

We left Omaha right after breakfast. HTP drove as far as Clear Lake, Iowa, where we stopped for lunch. Let's get real. We stopped a few times before that too. Potty stops and just shaking the stiffness out of our old legs stops. I drove after lunch until we dropped HTP's parents back at their house in Shoreview, MN. Shame on Minnesota government! Shame! All the rest areas in Minnesota were closed because of stupid bickering over the budget. It reminds me of nothing less than a bunch of squabbling children. I don't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican at this point. If I were a Minnesotan, I'd be really angry right now. I'd fire the whole lot of supposed representatives of the people and get someone who will actually do the job.

After we left HTP's folks in Shoreview, we drove on to our own state, Wisconsin, where there are rest areas open...but we didn't need to stop. We did stop in the city to pick up groceries before we headed on to our own little house in the big woods. It's good to be home.

We have a guest. #1 son's friend from Arizona is here. He brought me a present. He remembered that I love frogs. He's so sweet. I feel bad because #1 son left him here...alone...because #1 son had to work tonight. I have a feeling that #1 son will have to work tomorrow too. It is a holiday weekend and the busiest day for the local economy here at The Lake. Oh well...we'll do what we can do.

Murphyism of the Day

Winfield's Dictum of Direction Giving

The possibility of getting lost is directly proportional to the number of times the direction-giver says "you can't miss it."

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