Saturday, July 23, 2005

Word of the Day

Dark years : That specific period that all people have, when they look their worst, either on purpose or out of ignorance. For most people, it's during adolescence.

I thought I'd better quick blog before we spend the rest of the day over at my sister's place. Now that our company has come, I haven't had much chance to log onto my computer. We're all starting the morning with an 8 AM breakfast cooked by my sister.

I was just thinking yesterday as we all gathered around the table in my grandparents' old cabin, that though things have changed here at The Lake over the years that span from when I was a child running through the woods to visit with my grandparents, things remain the same.

I remember many family meals and gatherings at my grandparents' cabin over the years. We would all gather around the table as my grandparents would squabble over the cooking of a meal of fish or "chicken". I write chicken in quotes because often the "chicken" wasn't really "chicken". We would enjoy a slice of prickly gooseberry pie (chew it well and the prickles go down easier) with a cup of coffee. Postum for the children. Oh, how I felt so grown up with my Postum. We would play cards around that same table later in the day. Or my grandmother would drag out an old board game she kept stored under the bed in the guest room where we'd sleep on occasion, to keep her grandchildren occupied while the adults would converse. There was a game called Mr. Ree? It was a detective game similar to Clue. I wonder what happened to that game? I remember endless hours spent there at my grandparents' cabin.

My sister now has the cabin where my grandparents spent every summer. Although the cabin has changed and expanded as my sister and her husband have made it their own, it seems that the family still congregate there for family gatherings. Today we'll have the pie I made. (Not prickly gooseberry this time...not even for old times' sake.) I know that my grandparents would have been pleased to see the family gatherings continue.

Murphyism of the Day

Last Law of Product Design

If you can't fix it, feature it.

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