Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Word of the Day

Dorito Syndrome: Feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction triggered by addictive substances that lack nutritional content.

I'm on a roll. Now I just have to keep rolling. I've got one load of laundry in the washer and another in the dryer. I have three batches of strawberries thawing on the counter so I can make jam. Needless to say, the coffee has been brewed. The dogs have been fed. I'm either going to make breakfast or go out and pick raspberries. I think the raspberries are going to have to wait. I don't feel like digging out my berry picking outfit as yet. I think I have enough to do today. I'm not sure it's a good idea to go out and pick more berries, all be it that these would be a different variety of berries, before I've cleared the freezer of those that I already have. I've got enough strawberries prepped to make 5 batches of strawberry jam and two batches of strawberry/rhubarb jam. That's enough to keep me busy for today. Heck! I may even be making jam tomorrow if I don't get moving.

From all indications, my Devil Dog Daughter should be returning to Pensacola with her unit today. The next question is, how strong is this next storm that's supposed to be coming along going to be? Will she get back to Pensacola and then have to pack up and head right on back to Albany because Hurricane Emily is in the offing? Oh well, at least with all these delays, she'll have more time to heal up from her broken hip and broken femur.

The deerfly are really nasty this year. I suppose they always are but they seem to be plaguing me more this summer. Even our little dog Mancha is being plagued. No sooner then she walks out in the yard, she has two buzzing around and biting. No amount of leaping and snapping seems to discourage them. Of course, I don't do too much leaping and snapping. I just flail around with my arms and then run for cover. 'Tis the season to start wearing a hat. I'll have to keep mine by the door. Maybe if I hang it on the door, I'll remember to put it on. My hat isn't the prettiest creation. I've never developed an affection for hats. I've heard it can be an addiction similar to that of shoe collecting. One good hat is all I need. Now if I could just remember to wear it without the deerfly having to remind me....

Murphyism of the Day

Snider's Law

Nothing can be done in one trip.

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