Saturday, July 02, 2005

Word of the Day

Co-wrecked: In the middle of a three car pile up; being hit and pushed into another car.

Here Comes the Bride! My Devil Dog Daughter married her GI Joe at 2 PM today. She is now Mrs. GI Joe...but...she'll always be my Devil Dog Daughter. The ceremony was held in the party room at her apartment complex. Afterwards, we all took pictures, toasted the couple with champagne, and cut the cake. The reception was held at Valentino's an Italian Buffet in Omaha. The food was bountiful and good. GI Joe had arranged for a private room at the restaurant which made it a wonderful experience. It was nice seeing GI Joe's parents again and meeting three of his sisters, his brother, and his grandparents. I lost track of who everyone was but I tried. HTP took lots and lots of pictures. I hope I can still put names to faces when it comes to labeling the pictures.

It's been a long day. We'll be heading on back to The Lake tomorrow after breakfast. Everyone asked how long we'd be staying in Omaha and I kept saying that we'd be leaving on Sunday. Somehow I wasn't grasping that Sunday is tomorrow until I saw HTP packing up his suitcase. It'll be nice to be home. I'm hoping that we'll get a chance to see GI Joe and DDD later this summer but even if this isn't possible, it sure was great to be able to see them today.

Murphyism of the Day

Karinthy's Definition

A bus is a vehicle that goes on the other side in the opposite direction.

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