Monday, July 18, 2005

Word of the Day

Daggit : A corrupted version of "damn it" or "dang it."

Wow! What a difference a day can make! It's cool today. Almost cold. A cold front went through last night. It brought with it 3/4 " of rain. Woohoo! No sprinkler dance for a few days! was a perfect day to pick the wild raspberries. You know your husband likes your wild raspberry jam when he digs you off your computer to say, "Hey! Isn't this perfect weather to go out picking raspberries?" Groan! OK. I went and picked a full bucket of berries and it was only from the one side of our driveway. HTP drove by on his way to get the mail and saw me picking. He picked me up at our gate and brought me back. Thank you HTP for recognizing that the deerfly were driving me mad. Note that HTP was NOT out there helping me pick the berries. I feel like the Little Red Hen in those children's tales. Oh come must have red The Little Red Hen! Sigh! No...I don't plan to eat all the jam that is produced by all my work even though no-one EVER helps. To give him credit, HTP does keep the computers running. I don't know why computers are so hard to keep running but I do know my limitations.

I picked beans from my garden again. Along with the beans, I harvested two more zucchini (which we had with our supper) and a bunch of cucumbers. I cleaned the beans and snapped them. I think I'll cook them up for tomorrow's supper....or...I may save them for this weekend when my Uncle, his "wife" and my cousin are going to be staying here. Though...there should be plenty more beans to pick this weekend. Maybe I'll can a bunch. Now...I still need to pick over and clean up the raspberries that I picked and then tomorrow I suppose I'll make another batch of wild raspberry jam.

I was just starting to pick over and clean the raspberries when HTP pointed out that he was starving. I looked at the clock and was amazed to find that it was already past 6 PM. OMG! I've been working since I got up this morning at 6 AM! No wonder I was feeling a bit tired. I stopped the raspberry project and made supper. I didn't make lunch so I was feeling a bit guilty. Mind you...I didn't eat lunch either but HTP always tends to make me feel guilty about this sort of thing. I made supper. Spaghetti with Italian sausage. I cooked up the zucchini with onion and egg as a side dish. See? I told you I was feeling guilty. I usually don't cook up so many calories for one single meal. Argh! No excuses. If you skip a meal, you're not supposed to double up on the calories! HTP learned how to deliver a guilt trip from his Mom.

I still have to do the raspberries. My Arizona daughter called. She's Alive! OK. I just haven't heard from her for a long time. She's OK. Overworked, but OK. I wish her work would realize that if they want to keep her they better not work her to death.

OK...Now, back to the raspberries.

Murphyism of the Day

Zelman's Rule of Radio Reception

Your pocket radio won't pick up the station you want to hear most.

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