Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Word of the Day

Alpopuck: Empty dogfood dish being pushed across the floor by a hungry dog.

Laundry day started out cold (16°F) and clear. The sun is shining and I'm doing laundry. Right now the temperature outside is 54°F. I've put out my rain gauge and hung my windsock and windchimes. I suppose I'll have to purchase new windchime for the summer of 2005. I wonder where I'll find a spot to hang it? I dug out one of my finch feeders and hung that too. It will have to warm up a lot more before I risk hanging out a hummingbird or oriole feeder.

We had a visit from a man giving us an estimate on fixing our washed out driveway. HTP had to schedule someone else to come out to stake (mark the location) the buried electrical lines and phone lines. Whatever work is done on our driveway, we don't want to have to deal with cut electrical lines or phone lines.

My garden plants that I ordered from one of the seed catalogs will be coming sometime later in the month. I got an email from them. I'm not too concerned. I won't be doing much gardening until the weather warms up. I'll have to concentrate on leaf removal and weed digging. Weeds don't appear to be bothered by cold weather.

Murphyism of the Day

Poulsen's Prophecy

If anything is used to its full potential, it will break.

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