Friday, May 27, 2005

Word of the Day

Bearea - An area of bears; the area of a bear.

It's been raining on and off all day so far. Just when I think it might be safe to go outside and do something, anything, it starts raining again. Fish never bite after it rains and I'm not too fond of drowning bait when I know that nothing will be out there biting. HTP was going to cut back the vegetation from the sides of our driveway (1/2 mile long driveway)'s raining. Oops...there's the sun again but it'll start raining again soon. I can't garden because the ground is too wet. Oh well...maybe tomorrow.

So it's off to re-read one of my many books. I'm waiting for some books to come in the mail but they haven't arrived yet. I decided to try ordering books on the internet. It's kind of frustrating though because you have to wait so long for them to actually get to you. Oh well, in the meantime, I'm having to make do with the books I already have.

Murphyism of the Day

Knagg's Derivative of Murphy's Law

The more complicated and grandiose the plan, the greater the chance of failure.

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