Sunday, May 29, 2005

Word of the Day

Beereived - When you have finished your beer.

It's not raining. Mostly, the sun has won out in its daily battle with the clouds. I still see threatening clouds but so rain. My Mother called to tell me that my sister and her husband and their crew are putting in my folks' dock today. I think that's the only reason the the clouds have chosen to appear threatening.

I planted 16 tomato plants that my Mom gave me yesterday. It's not easy finding space in my tiny garden for that many tomato plants. I planted four cherry tomato plants in my Earthboxes on the deck. I planted two Coreless tomato plants in my garden. I planted two Parker Whopper tomato plants in my garden. Then....I prepped eight holes (removing boulder after boulder after stone after stone....the glacier dropped a real load on our property) in my flower borders, and I finally planted four more Coreless tomato plants and four more cherry tomato plants. The cherry tomato plants claim to be large cherry tomato plants but they really aren't all that big. I think the large refers to the size of the eventual fruit (tomatoes are a fruit). I hope that I actually get some tomatoes this year. The weather hasn't been promising.

The recent rains blew off most of the beautiful blossoms from my crabapple tree. Pout. I am enjoying my tulips and the two daffodils that have decided to blossom this year. I have a hyacinth too. I'm not sure how fond I am of this flower as yet. It's kind of a dusty antique rose color. Other then that, I think I lost all of my nearly wild rose bushes over the winter. I'll have to figure out what to plant in their place. I may buy some more hostas in various varieties. I also have more dwarf daylilies that I still need to plant.

My hummingbirds are gayly dive-bombing my deck. I haven't seen the goldfinches for a while but they may be nesting. I was reading on the deck this morning (my books came in the mail yesterday) and one of the hummingbirds attempted a landing on my head. Blink! I think I need to move around more.

Murphyism of the Day

Wethern's Law of Suspended Judgment

Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.

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