Saturday, May 07, 2005

Word of the Day

Back tat - A tattoo, primarily on a female, that is on the backside, usually in the small of the back.

It's The Opening Day of Fishing. I've already counted four boats racing to favored fishing holes on our lake. I saw the headlights of a pontoon boat late last night. It looked like someone was driving their car on the water. He was either poaching or he got off work too late to get his pontoon launched before dark. I don't think that this guy was actually fishing. I'm sure it was the later. I imagine it wasn't too fun getting a boat launched that late. On the other hand, it was a great night for taking a tour of the lake with friends. Maybe that was the whole purpose of our late night pontoon. Regardless, I think pontoons looks really strange after dark. They've got headlights and tail-lights...just like a car. I didn't see any turn signals flash but...what the heck...most drivers fail to use their signals anyway.

I have an empty U-Haul trailer sitting in my driveway. $9.95 to rent that sucker for the day. Well worth the cost. We have to return it by 10 AM this morning. HTP, #1 son, and I emptied all of #1 son's stuff out of it and the SUV last night. HTP will return it after breakfast. I'm not sure how late #1 son was awake last night. I do know that he made several trips up and down stairs to get all his stuff down to his basement living area. Now he just has to unpack. Sigh...and now, I get to do laundry and ride herd on that unpacking. I'd rather go fishing.

#1 son still has to go back to college next week. Finals. The dreaded finals! We'll take him back tomorrow. We're celebrating Mother's Day in the morning with my Mom here at a local restaurant here in town. Then...we're going to drive to The Big City, to celebrate Mother's Day again with HTP's Mom at his sister's house. We'll take #1 son back to his dorm after that and return to The Lake. #1 son has to be out of his dorm by 1 PM next Thursday. He'll have a bit more things to bring home, but those will all fit into the SUV.

It's a bit odd. My nest is no longer empty. I've got to clean up the kitchen. #1 son dumped a load of cookware onto the countertop that he'd used at the dorm over the school year. I'll have to find room in the cupboards for it. I have to do #1 son's laundry that he brought home for me. He brought me his laundry detergent and dryer sheets too. My computer desk chair disappeared. I think #1 left his back at the dorm to use during finals week so I guess he just borrowed mine for the weekend. That's OK. I borrowed HTP's chair. I'm sure I'll get my chair back on Mother's Day...tomorrow before we head off to The City. HTP will get his chair back after I blog and finish up with my emails. I suppose I can always drag a chair in from the kitchen... Heck! I think I'll just go fishing.

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey's Law of Procrastination

If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

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