Sunday, May 01, 2005

Our First Full Day Back at The Lake

Word of the Day

Albumnesia: A mental condition whereby one loses all memory of what music to buy when entering a record store.

Happy Anniversary Wishes to my brother and his wife! I hope they have a great day!

I got up. I made coffee. I drank a cup of coffee. It's snowing but it melts so don't imagine me sitting here trapped in drifts of snow. The dogs are loving it outside despite the cold. It's only 37°F outside right now. Overcast. The leaves haven't emerged from their winter sleep. What shocks me a bit is that the weeds are already taking hold. I can't even use Round Up on them because it's too cold. There is some yard work I can get started on but first...

I made my famous Salsa and canned three pints of mix for future use. I've been up and down the stairs repeatedly this morning. I'm going to feel it tomorrow...and the next day...and the next. I'm just not used to going up and down stairs anymore. Good exercise...I'm sure.

HTP has gone off to get the Sunday paper. I'm starting on my second cup of coffee and then I'll make breakfast. The rest of the stuff I have to do today will have to wait until after breakfast.

Murphyism of the Day

Dow's Law

In a hierarchical organization, the higher the level, the greater the confusion.

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