Friday, May 06, 2005

Word of the Day

Back spackle - The dirt, mud, and other gunk that accumulates on the back of your shirt or jacket when you ride a bike on a wet or muddy surface.

I went out and bought bait today. Tomorrow marks the first day of fishing season here. I could just go out and dig some worms but what really works the best for fishing are those tiny grubs called waxies and leeches. I may still go dig up some worms. I have to prepare my vegetable garden anyway and I might as well collect whatever worms I come across while I'm at it. But...maybe not today. The dock was put in yesterday and our boat was launched. We are ready to go out and beat the waters to a froth. Will we catch anything? Maybe not but this will be the first time in more then thirty years as far as I can remember that we'll actually have the opportunity to go fishing on opening weekend.

HTP has gone off to The Big City to pick up #1 son for the weekend. #1 son has to clear most of his stuff out of his dorm room. He still have finals next week but Thursday of next week will be his last day at college until Fall session rolls around again. He'll be switching to a different dorm for next year. I decided to stay home....well...I didn't actually stay home because I went shopping but I only went as far as the city. I needed to get milk and meat. I also needed to get Mother's Day cards. Oh...and a couple of new books to read.

Murphyism of the Day

MacPherson's Theory of Entropy

It requires less energy to take an object out of its proper place than to put it back.

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