Thursday, May 12, 2005

Word of the Day

Bad-lib - Changing what was going to be a curse word into an acceptable word right before saying it.

I need to wash my hair.

There have been times in my life where washing my hair wasn't all that big of a deal. On the occasions when I have maintained a boy's cut similar to the haircut that my son and my husband sport, washing my hair wasn't even worth a mention. I'd wash my short hair, rub it a couple times with a dry towel, and then let it go. Done. Washing my hair is no longer such an easy task.

My husband likes long hair. Not on his head mind you. He likes long hair on my head and he's not willing to settle for a wig. Sigh. So now, washing my hair has become a major deal. I now have long hair. I draw the line at really long hair but my hair reaches beyond my shoulders and is growing toward the middle of my back. That's long enough. That also makes shampoo day a bit difficult.

I've got to figure that it'll take a good hour to wash, dry and style this long hair. Because of the time involved, I don't attack this chore on a daily basis. Some people are willing to do this but I'm not one of them. I also have to dedicate an hour where the phone doesn't ring while my head is under the sink. I can't hear the phone ring while water is rushing from the sink or the hairdryer is running, but if I did, it's kind of hard to answer a phone with suds dripping in your eyes and I will not hear that phone over the hairdryer so just forget about it. I also have to pray that no-one comes to the door while I'm shampooing, drying, or styling my hair.

Now as I sit here contemplating whether I should risk shampooing my hair or not, I have to consider the risks. Will the phone ring? Will anyone drop by to visit? I'm at The Lake. I can deal with the phone by just ignoring it if I happen to hear it. I'm not expecting a phone call but...HTP is picking #1 son up at college so he's not here. He's somewhere between The Lake and The Big City. He might call so if I miss his call...well, I do have an answering machine. There's not much I could do if he's in a ditch somewhere after hitting a deer anyway. Besides, he probably would call 911. I don't expect that anyone else will call. I'm at The Lake. It's unlikely that anyone will just drop by to visit. With a 1/2 mile dirt driveway, we don't get many uninvited visitors. I am expecting a UPS delivery but he usually doesn't show up until late afternoon. I think I'm safe.

Of course, I've noticed a interesting Murphyism when it comes to shampooing my hair. Was that the phone I just heard?

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey's Law About Shampooing One's Hair

1.The phone will ring as soon as a sufficient amount of lather has been produced to clean one's hair.

2. Neighbors and complete strangers will beat their way to your door so they can see what you look like with a towel turbaned on your head or curlers in your hair and report back to other neighbors and friends.

3. If a phone call is missed while shampooing your hair, it was important.

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