Thursday, May 05, 2005

Word of the Day

Babbling ram - A verbal technique used to suppress opposition by using forceful, senseless babbling.

Today is Cinco de Mayo. Don't get me started! I am not a bigot. Sorry guys, I just haven't figured out why the heck I should celebrate the liberation of Mexico from France. I don't celebrate Bastille Day either. Maybe we all should run down to Mexico to celebrate July 4th. Oh well...maybe it's just a good excuse to drink a margarita with supper tonight.

It's official. I am not planning a wedding for this summer. I am planning a reaffirmation of vows/wedding for the fall of 2006. The military stuck a wrench in the works and it's on to Plan C. My daughter and her fiance still plan to get married but it's going to be a civil affair for the legalities. They'll save the formal, religious wedding for later. Actually, a wedding in 2006 was the original plan, so I guess this is a variation on Plan A. Let's call it, Plan A(a).

I spent a few hours yesterday raking leaves out of my flower bed and hauling the piles off to the forest. I still have a lot of work to do out in the beds but it's a start. It's still too cold to spray the weeds.

HTP and I also went into town to do some shopping. While we were there, I got some geraniums for the deck planters. I got some peonies to plant out front as well. I couldn't resist. Now I just have to figure out where I'll plant them...along with the six current bushes that I have coming from Gurney's that I ordered last summer. I'm going to order some other stuff too from some of my other catalogs too but that'll have to wait for a few days.

My Mom called shortly after we got back from town yesterday. They're here! Well...they're at their cabin at The Lake. Their cabin is about a mile or so down the lake from ours. Anyway, they joined us for supper last night. I imagine that they'll be busy getting stuff unpacked and sorted in the coming days.

We have DSL! Woohoo! No more sluggish dial-up! No more lost calls because we're on the internet and people can't get through to us! I can get back to playing Pogo! I can blog with impunity.

Murphyism of the Day

Edwards' Time/Effort Law

Effort x Time = Constant

A. Given a large initial time to do something, the initial effort will be small.

B. As time goes to zero, effort goes to infinity.

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