Friday, May 20, 2005

Word of the Day

Bandwidth junkie - 1. A person who is so concerned about getting her illegal MP3s a whole 30 seconds faster that she will cancel all other downloaders. 2. Someone who becomes irritable about upload or download times because she has been desensitized from 56k modem speed.

I hate woodticks. HTP, #1 son and I all spent the morning raking leaves out of the flower beds and removing excessive soil. Raking, dumping, shoveling. We're exhausted. I took a break when my daughter's fiance called. He called to let us know that he has Guard Duty this weekend and that our daughter had completed her tour of duty at the Basic Marine Platoon on Parris Island where she'd been recuperating from her fractured hip. She's done! Yeah! On to MCT. Marine Combat Training. Anyway, while I was talking to franK...or BTP (Boy-Type-Person)...aka, my daughter's fiance, I felt something crawling on my face. Yup! It was a woodtick. Of course, after that I had to felt like I had the little critters crawling all over me. Sigh. After getting off the phone I found one more of the woodticks. A deertick. One of the dreaded deerticks. The other woodtick wasn't a deertick. wasn't embedded in my flesh. I managed to extract the deertick but...oops...the head remained in my skin. I got out the needle and tweezers and proceeded to operate. I got the head out...I hope. Oh well...I'll have to watch and make sure Lyme's Disease doesn't attack now. Stupid woodticks. I hate them. #1 son really hates them. It's going to be hard to get him outside again now that he knows that I had a woodtick...two of them. Oh well, after everything, I cleaned up some winter onions and we're done with our work in the flower beds. I just have to spray the weeds. I'm going to let the guy who mows our lawn, the one who delivered our woodchips, spread the woodchips in the beds. I'm too pooped. HTP is too pooped. #1 son is too pooped. I sure hope I don't find any more woodticks.

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey's Law about Woodticks

It's rarely the woodtick that you actually find and remove that will cause problems.

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